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报告题目:Better understanding drug microstructure and spatial distribution within solid state formulations in relation to their pharmaceutical performance



报 告 人:赵  敏 博士(英国贝尔法斯特女王大学药学院)





赵敏,英国贝尔法斯特女王大学药学院讲师。1999.8-2004.7 沈阳药科大学 药学英语 学士学位,2004.8-2006.12 沈阳药科大学 药剂学专业 硕博连读 (期间获英国东安格利亚大学全奖奖学金赴英攻读博士学位)2007.1-2010.1 英国东安格利亚大学 药剂学专业 博士学位,2010.1-2010.8 英国东安格利亚大学 药学院 助教/中国外事负责人,2010.8-2012.12 英国东安格利亚大学 药学院 讲师/中国外事负责人,2013.1-2016.5 英国伦敦大学学院 药学院 教学研究员(科研并重)/中国外事负责人,2016.6-至今 英国贝尔法斯特女王大学 药学院 讲师,并为英国药物科学研究院成员、美国药学协会会员、药物缓控释协会会员、英国晶体学协会会员、英国高等教育学院研究员



1) Chapter Three: Preparation and characteristics of Cyclodextrin inclusion complexes.In: Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes. People's Medical Publishing House, 2008,Beijing.

2) Chapter One: Introduction and Chapter Two: Sustained-release matrix tablets.In: Theory and practice of oral sustained/controlled release preparations. People's Medical Publishing House, 2007, Beijing.

3) Chapter Eleven: The modern Chinese traditional medicine preparations.In: Modern Preparation Technology. Chemical Industry Press, 2005, Beijing. 


1) Electrospun amorphous solid dispersions of poorly water-soluble drugs: A review.

Submitted to Progress in Polymer Science.

2) Solid State Characterisation and Taste Masking Efficiency Evaluation of Polymer

Based Extrudates of Isoniazid for Paediatric Administration. Submitted to

International Journal of Pharmaceutics.

3) Yang F., Chen D., Guo Z. F., Zhang Y. M., Liu Y., Askin S., Zhao M. (2016). The

Application of Novel nano-Thermal and Imaging Techniques for Monitoring the Drug

Microstructure and Spatial Distribution within PLGA Microspheres. International

Journal of Pharmaceutics, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 522 (1-2), 34-49.

4) Scoutaris N., Chai F., Maurel B., Sobocinski J., Zhao M., Moffat J.G., Craig D.Q., Martel

B., Blanchemain N., Douroumis D. (2016). Development and biological evaluation of

inkjet printed drug coatings on intravascular stent. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 13 (1),


5) Pina, M. F., Pinto, J. F., Sousa, J. J., Craig, D. Q. M., & Zhao, M. (2015). Generation of

hydrate forms of paroxetine HCl from the amorphous state: An evaluation of

thermodynamic and experimental predictive approaches. International Journal of

Pharmaceutics, 481(1-2), 114-124.


1 提高难溶药物生物利用度的新型给药体系 Poorly water-soluble drug formulation strategies (e.g. solid dispersions)

2 固体制剂新型分析技术 Advanced solid-state characterization combining thermal, chemical and imaging techniques.

3 儿童制剂掩味 Taste masking and assessment for paediatric medicines (e.g. using HME)

4 适龄(老人用药) 复方制剂研究 Fixed dose combination for age appropriate medicines (e.g. multi-layered films)

5 以高分子聚合物为载体的缓控释制剂 Polymeric controlled release systems

6 无定型药物稳定性研究 Stability assessment (e.g. stability issues of amorphous pharmaceuticals)

7 肺部干粉吸入制剂 Pulmonary delivery (e.g. dry powder inhalations) 


英国辉瑞制药公司 Pfizer UK: PhD project on taste making for Paediatrics

英国葛兰素史克制药公司 GSK UK: PhD project on developing an advanced predictive tool for evaluating the performance of polymeric


英国伦敦大学学院药学院 School of Pharmacy, University College London (UCL), UK: Prof Duncan Craig, Prof Simon Gaisford, Prof Ina Wong, Dr

Catherine Tuleu

英国伦敦大学学院医学院 Division of Medicine UCL, UK: Dr Richard Day

英国诺丁汉大学药学院 University of Nottingham, UK: Prof Jonathan Aylott

英国格林尼治大学 University of Greenwich, UK: Dr Dennis Douroumis

奥地利制药工程研究中心 Research Centre Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH Graz Austria: Master project in formulating thin films of biomolecules

for buccal delivery

土耳其伊斯坦布尔大学药学院 Faculty of Pharmacy, Istanbul University,Turkey: Dr Ayca Yildiz Peköz

中国沈阳药科大学 Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, China: Prof Xing Tang

中国上海理工大学 University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China:Prof Dengguang Yu

广 Guangdong Pharmaceutical University China: Prof FanYang and co

中国医科大学 China Medical University: Prof Lei Sha and co


Dr Min Zhao will give a talk to SPU academic staff and postgraduate students in Pharmaceutics on gth May 20 17 , entitled ' Better understanding drug microstructure and spatial distribution within solid state fornlulations in relation to thCir final pharmaceutical performance ' . Dr Zhao will firstly introduce her research 11 , terests and briefly outline the ongoing projects in her research group and then mainly address the pharmaceutical applications of advanced nano thermal and imaging techniques ( Atomic force microscopy based ) for better understanding the microstructure of solid state drug deliver systems . She will discuss a number of case studies in her talk where the relationship between microstructure and final performance of the formulation was established as a predictive approach for developing functional formulations , rangilig from controlled release m icroparticles / nanoparticles , taste Inasked formulations for pediatric populatiolls , amorphous solid solutions ( e . g . prepared using hot melt extrusion ) as a means of improving the dissolution and bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs .

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