金盛飞,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。2011年毕业于沈阳药科大学,获药学专业理学学士学位,2016年获沈阳药科大学药物化学专业理学博士学位,毕业后赴美国德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校(UTSA)进行博士后研究。2020年通过沈阳药科大学高层次人才计划引进,被聘为沈阳药科大学研究员,现为无涯创新学院课题组长(青年PI)。以第一作者或通讯作者在J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Chem,ACS Catal.,Chem. Sci.,Org. Lett.,Chem. Commun.,J. Org.Chem.等领域知名期刊发表SCI论文17篇,影响因子大于10的SCI论文4篇,1篇2020年ESI高被引论文。
1.Shengfei Jin, Hang T. Dang, Graham C. Haug, Ru He, Viet D. Nguyen, Vu T. Nguyen, Hadi D. Arman, Kirk S. Schanze, and Oleg V. Larionov* Visible Light-Induced Borylation of C-O, C-N, and C-X Bonds.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 1603-1613. (IF= 14.695)
2.Shengfei Jin#, Vu T. Nguyen#, Hang T. Dang, Dat P. Nguyen, Hadi D. Arman, and Oleg V. Larionov* Photoinduced Carboborative Ring Contraction Enables Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Multiply Substituted Five-Membered Carbocycles and Heterocycles.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017, 139, 11365-11368. ( These authors contributed equally) (IF= 14.695)
3.Shengfei Jin, Graham C. Haug, Vu T. Nguyen; C. Flores-Hansen, Hadi D. Arman, Oleg V. Larionov* Decarboxylative Phosphine Synthesis: Insights into the Catalytic, Autocatalytic, and Inhibitory Roles of Additives and Intermediates.ACS Catal.2019, 9, 9764-9774. (IF= 12.221)
4.Shengfei Jin, Oleg V. Larionov*A Radical New Look for Alkene Carboboration.Chem2018, 4, 1205-1207 (IF= 18.205)
5.Shengfei Jin, Hang Dang, Graham C. Haug, Viet Nguyen, Hadi Arman, Oleg V. Larionov* Deoxygenative -Alkylation and -Arylation of 1,2-Dicarbonyls.Chem. Sci., 2020, 2020, 11, 9101-9108 (IF= 9.556)
6.Shengfei Jin, Chongguo Jiang, Xiaoshi Peng, Chunhui Shan, Shanshan Cui, Yuanyuan Niu, Yang Liu, Yu Lan*, Yongxiang Liu*, and Maosheng Cheng*. Gold(I)-Catalyzed Angle Strain Controlled Strategy to Furopyran Derivatives from Propargyl Vinyl Ethers: Insight into the Regioselectivity of Cycloisomerization.Org. Lett., 2016, 18, 680-683.(IF= 6.555)
7.Shengfei Jin, Yujie Niu, Chengjun Liu, Lifeng Zhu, Yangming Li, Shanshan Cui, Zhiling Xiong, Maosheng Cheng, Bin Lin*, and Yongxiang Liu*.Gold(I)-Initiated Cycloisomerization/Diels-Alder/Retro-Diels-Alder Cascade Strategy to Biaryls.J. Org. Chem.2017, 82, 9066-9074. (IF= 4.805)