导师姓名: 刘伟伟
出生年月: 198802
所在学院: 无涯创新学院
职称: 副教授
职务: 教师
最高学位: 博士
所招专业: 100706药理学(硕士)
通讯地址: 沈阳市沈河区文化路103号
手机号码: 15840462027
E-mail: lww0206@126.com


刘伟伟,女,博士,副教授。2009年毕业于沈阳药科大学,获理学学士学位,2013年于沈阳药科大学完成硕博连读,获药理学博士学位。2013年入职沈阳药科大学,被聘为讲师。2021年被聘为沈阳药科大学副教授,药理学硕士生导师。现为无涯创新学院池岛乔课题组助手、药理教研室教师。作为课题负责人主持了国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项,沈阳药科大学“优青”托举计划1项,另外,作为项目骨干成员承担国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,青年基金项目3项。目前已在Acta Pharmacol Sin,J Photoch Photobio B,FEBS J, Eur J Med Chem等期刊以第一作者身份发表论文9篇。








3.基于ATR激酶研究祖师麻活性成分Daphnegiravone D的抗肝癌作用与机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号81973528(排名第二)






1.Liu, W.; Wang, F.; Li, C.; Song, X.; Otkur, W.; Zhu, Y.; Hayashi, T.; Mizuno, K.; Hattori, S.; Fujisaki, H.; Ikejima, T.*Silibinin relieves UVB-induced apoptosis of human skin cells by inhibiting the YAP-p73 pathway, Acta Pharmacol Sin, (2021), DOI: 10.1038/s41401-021-00826-x.(IF=6.15)

2.Liu, W.; Wang, F.; Li, C.; Otkur, W.; Hayashi, T.; Mizuno, K.; Hattori, S.; Fujisaki, H.; Onodera, S.; Ikejima, T.*Silibinin treatment protects human skin cells from UVB injury through upregulation of estrogen receptors, J Photoch Photobio B, 216 (2021) 112147, DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2021.112147.(IF=6.252)

3. Yan, J.1;Liu, W.1; Cai, J.; Wang, Y.; Li, D.*; Hua, H.*; Cao, H.*Advances in Phenazines over the Past Decade: Review of Their Pharmacological Activities, Mechanisms of Action, Biosynthetic Pathways and Synthetic Strategies, Marine Drugs, 19 (2021), DOI: 10.3390/md19110610. (IF=5.118)

4.Liu, W.; Ji, Y.; Sun, Y.; Si, L.; Fu, J.; Hayashi, T.; Onodera, S.; Ikejima, T.*Estrogen receptors participate in silibinin-caused nuclear translocation of apoptosis-inducing factor in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells, Arch Biochem Biophys, 689 (2020) 108458, DOI: 10.1016/j.abb.2020.108458. (IF=4.013)

5. Wang, M.1; Li, H.1;Liu, W.1; Cao, H.; Hu, X.; Gao, X.; Xu, F.; Li, Z.; Hua, H.; Li, D.*Dammarane-type leads panaxadiol and protopanaxadiol for drug discovery: Biological activity and structural modification, Eur J Med Chem, 189 (2020) 112087, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2020.112087.(IF=6.514)

6. Zhao, Y.1;Liu, W.1; Liu, W.; Lu, Z.; Xuan, D.; Zhang, X.; Liu, X.; Hayashi, T.; Yamato, M.; Ogura, T.; Fujisaki, H.; Hattori, S.; Tashiro, S.-I.; Onodera, S.; Ikejima, T.*Phorbol ester (PMA)-treated U937 cells cultured on type I collagen-coated dish express a lower production of pro-inflammatory cytokines through lowered ROS levels in parallel with cell aggregate formation, Int Immunopharmacol, 55 (2018) 158-164, DOI: 10.1016/j.intimp.2017.12.013. (IF=3.361)

7.Liu, W.; Otkur, W.; Zhang, Y.; Li, Q.; Ye, Y.; Zang, L.; He, H.; Hayashi, T.; Tashiro, S.-I.; Onodera, S.; Ikejima, T.*Silibinin protects murine fibroblast L929 cells from UVB-induced apoptosis through the simultaneous inhibition of ATM-p53 pathway and autophagy, FEBS J, 280 (2013) 4572-4584, DOI: 10.1111/febs.12426. (IF=3.986)

8.Liu, W.; Otkur, W.; Li, L.; Wang, Q.; He, H.; Ye, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Hayashi, T.; Tashiro, S.-i.; Onodera, S.; Ikejima, T.*Autophagy induced by silibinin protects human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells from UVB-induced apoptosis, J Photochem Photobiol B, 123 (2013) 23-31, DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2013.03.014. (IF=2.803)

9.Liu, W.; Otkur, W.; Li, L.; Wang, Q.; He, H.; Zang, L.; Hayashi, T.; Tashiro, S.-I.; Onodera, S.; Xia, M.; Ikejima, T.*Interference of silibinin with IGF-1R signalling pathways protects human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells from UVB-induced apoptosis, Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 432 (2013) 314-319, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2013.01.109. (IF=2.281)