王丹,女,博士,无涯学院教授。1998年毕业于东京工业大学,获生物工学学士学位,2000年于同校获生物科学硕士学位,2004年获美国University of Southern California神经科学博士学位,毕业后在同校进行博士后研究工作。目前担任日本京都大学高等研究院物质细胞统合中心主任研究员(PI),入选日本新一代全球研究领军人才计划(K-CONNEX)。目前已在Science,Nature Neuroscience, Trends in Neuroscience, Nucleic Acids Rerearch, PNAS, Nature Communications等国际著名期刊以第一或通讯作者发表论文。并获得了国际人类前沿科学计划研究、日本国家综合科学技术创新会议的革新研究开发推展方案,Hirose国际奖学财团研究扶助金等项目支持,并担任相关项目的负责人开展一系列的科研活动。
1.“Synapse Epitranscriptomics”的建立及其在精神病学的应用,国立日本研究医疗开发机构
4.An engineering approach to understand local translation in cell-fate decisions,HFSP AWARDS项目(主持)
6.In vivo RNA imaging toward mapping gene expression dynamics of the plastic brain,日本学术振兴会(主持)
10.K-CONNEX(The Keihanshi consortium for fostering the next generation of global leaders in research),日本科学技术振兴协会(主持)
1.Wang DO, Kim SM, Zhao Y, Hwang HG, Miura SK, Sossin WS, and Martin KC*. Synapse- and stimulus-specific local translation during long-term neuronal plasticity. Science. (2009) 324(5934): 1536-40.(IF=38.062)
2.Merkurjev D, Hong WT, Iida K, Goldie BJ, Yamaguti H, Oomoto I, Ohara T, Kawaguchi S, Hirano T, Martin KC, Pellegrini M, Wang DO*. Synaptic N6 methyladenosine (m6A) reveals functional partitioning of localized transcripts. Nature Neuroscience, 21, 1004–1014 (2018).(IF=17.839)
3.Meer E, Wang DO, Kim SM, Barr I, Guo F, and Martin KC. Identification of a cis-element that localizes mRNA to synapses. PNAS 109 (12): 4639-44 (2012) .(IF=10.414)
4.Oomoto I, Hirano-Suzuki A, Umeshima H, Han YW, Yanagisawa H, Carlton P, Harada Y, Kengaku M, Okamoto A, Shimogori T, and Wang DO*. ECHO-liveFISH: in vivo RNA Labeling Reveals Dynamic Regulation of Nuclear RNA Foci in Living Tissues. Nucl Acids. Res doi:10.1093/narlgkv614 (2015) .(IF=10.162)
5.15.Diring S, Wang DO, Kim C, Kondo M, Chen Y, Kitagawa S, Kamei K*, Furukawa S* Localized cell stimulation by nitric oxide using a photoactive porous coordination polymer platform. Nat Commun 4:2684 (2013).(IF=13.092)
6.Wang DO and Akimitsu Okamoto*. ECHO probes: fluorescence emission control for nucleic acid imaging. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, C: Photochemistry Reviews 13(2): 112-123 (2012).(IF=15.533)
7.Wang DO*, Hitomi Matsuno, Shuji Ikeda, Hiroyuki Yanagisawa, Yasunori Hayashi, and Akimitsu Okamoto*. A quick and simple FISH protocol with hybridization-sensitive fluorescent linear oligodeoxynucleotide probes. RNA (2012) Jan;18(1):166-75. (IF=4.605)
8.Wang DO, Martin KC*, and Zukin RS*. Spatially restricting gene expression by local translation at synapses. Trends Neurosci. (2010) 33(4):173-82. (IF=13.405)