导师姓名: 孙宝山
出生年月: 196201
所在学院: 功能食品与葡萄酒学院
所在部门: 葡萄酒教研室
职称: 教授
职务: 院长
最高学位: 博士
所招专业: 1008中药学(博士)、1007Z6食品药学(博士)、1008中药学(硕士)、0832食品科学与工程(硕士)、1056中药学(硕士)、0860生物与医药(食品工程领域)(硕士)
通讯地址: 辽宁省本溪高新技术产业开发区华佗大街26号
办公电话: 024-43520306
E-mail: sun.baoshan@iniav.pt、sunbaoshan@syphu.edu.cn
导师类别: 博硕导师


孙宝山,男,博士,教授。1982年毕业于大连工业大学,获工业发酵学士学位,1986年于同校获食品工程硕士学位;1988-1991年在法国蒙皮利埃第二大学进行访问学者研究工作;2000年获里斯本科技大学高等农学院葡萄酒科学与工程学博士。自1992年起,在葡萄牙国家农牧研究院-葡萄与葡萄酒研究所连续工作二十余年。2012年获“辽宁省高等学校攀登学者”被沈阳药科大学引进,作为葡萄与葡萄酒工程学科领军人才。现任功能食品与葡萄酒学院院长,国际葡萄与葡萄酒委员会(OIV)葡萄牙分会专家组委员,中国食品学会葡萄酒分会常务理事,高级职业酿酒师,Journal of Viticulture and Enology编委。主持葡萄牙国家重大科研课题2项,合作主持葡萄牙国家、欧盟科研项目9项和中葡双边合作项目2项。发表科学论文100余篇,其中SCI论文43篇,国际会议论文51篇,国际会议特邀发言14次,著作章节2章,合作专利6项。






5.Journal of Viticulture and Enology编委。






1.从葡萄废渣生产活性多酚的新技术(New technology for production of bioactive polyphenols from grape pomace),葡萄牙科技部科技基金委员会国家重点科技项目,项目编号FCT PTDC/AGR-ALI/112630/2009,负责人。

2. 低聚体和高聚体原花青素与花青素的反应及其对红葡萄酒的感官特性和抗氧化活性的影响(Interaction of oligomeric and polymeric proanthocyanidins with anthocyanins. Contribution to sensory properties and antioxidant activities of red wine),葡萄牙国家科技部重大项目,项目编号PTDC/AGR-ALI/64898/2006,负责人。

3. 海外葡萄废渣综合开发(葡萄废渣中活性物质系列产品开发),辽宁省科技厅引进海外研发团队专项资金,项目编号辽外专2011-5号,葡方负责人。


1.Li Y.Y., Li L.X.,Cui Y., Zhang S.T., Sun B.S.*. Separation and purification of polyphenols fromred wine extracts using high speed counter current chromatography. J ChromatogrB, 2017,1054:105-113 (IF= 2.687).

2.Zhang S.T., LiL.X., Cui Y., Luo L.X., Li Y.Y., Zhou P.Y., Sun B.S.*. Preparative high-speedcounter-current chromatography separation of grape seed proanthocyanidinsaccording to degree of polymerization. Food Chemistry, 2017, 219, 399–407(IF=4.052).

3.Li L.X., Zhang S.T., Cui Y., Li Y.Y., Luo L.X., Zhou P.Y., SunB.S.* Preparative separation of cacao bean procyanidins by high-speedcounter-currentchromatography. J Chromatogr B, 2016,1036, 10–19 (IF= 2.687).

4.Luo L.X., Cui Y.,Zhang S.T., Li L.X., Li Y.Y., Zhou P.Y., Sun B.S.*. 2016. Preparativeseparation of grape skin polyphenols by high-speed counter-currentchromatography. Food Chem, 2016, 212, 712–721 (IF=4.052)

5.Zhang S.T., Cui Y., Li L.X., Li Y.Y., Zhou P.Y., Luo L.X. Sun B.S.*. Preparative HSCCC isolation of phloroglucinolysis products from grape seed polymeric proanthocyanidins as new powerful antioxidants. Food Chem, 2015,188,422-429 (IF=4.052).

6.De Sá M, Justino V., Spranger M.I., Zhao Y.Q., Han L., Sun B.S.*. Extraction yields and antioxidant activity of proanthocyanidins from different parts of grape pomace: Effect of mechanical treatments. Phytochem Analysis, 2014, 25, 134-140 (IF=2.497)

7.Sun B.S.*, De Sá, M., Leandro C., Caldeira I., F.L. Duarte, Spranger I. Reactivity of polymeric proanthocyanidins toward salivary proteins and their contribution to young red wine astringency. J Agric Food Chem, 2013,61, 939-946 (IF=2.857)

8.Sun B.S.*, Neves A. C., Fernandes T. A., Fernandes A. L., Mateus N., De Freitas V., Leandro M. C., Spranger M. I. Evolution of phenolic Composition of red wine during vinification and storage and its contribution to wine sensory properties and antioxidant activity. J Agric Food Chem, 2011,59, 6550-6557 (IF=2.857)

9.Sun B.S.*, Fernandes T.A., Spranger M.I. A new class of anthocyanin -procyanidin condensation products detected in red wine by ESI-MSn analysis. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2010,24,254-260. (IF=2.226)

10. Neves A. C., Spranger M. I., Zhao Y.Q., Leandro M. C., Sun B.S.* Effect of addition of commercial grape seed tannins on phenolic composition, chromatic characteristics and antioxidant activity of red wine. J Agric Food Chem, 2010,58, 11775-11782 ( IF=2.857)


1. Sun B.S., Spranger M. I. Competitividade, Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar. Agrorrural: Contributos Científicos. Capítulo I: Polifenóis da uva e do vinho- Importância em enologia e efeito benéfico para a saúde humana (Grape and Wine Polyphenols-Importance in Enology and beneficial effect for human health).

INRB Ed., Casa da Moeda, S.A. pp 69–81, 201

2. Sun B.S., Spranger M. I. Química enológica - métodos analíticos: Avanços recentes no controlo da qualidade de vinhos e de outros produtos vitivinícolas. Capítulo IX: Polifenóis em Enologia (Polyphenols in Enology) Antonio Curvelo Garcia e Paulo Barros Eds. pp49, 2015