秦斌,男,博士,特聘教授。2008年毕业于沈阳药科大学,获生命科学与技术基地班(生物技术制药)学士学位,2010年于同校获微生物与生化药学硕士学位,2013年获沈阳药科大学微生物与生化药学博士学位,毕业后赴日本东京大学进行博士后研究。2016年作为沈阳药科大学引进人才,被聘为副教授,2019年被聘为特聘教授。入选中国科协-中国药学会2016-2018年度“青年人才托举工程”,入选辽宁省2019年“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才,作为课题负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、青年基金项目1项,主持国家重点研发计划子课题1项,省部级项目多项。目前已在Angewandte Chemie International Edition、ACS Catalysis、Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis、ChemCatChem、Journal of Natural Products等期刊发表论文30余篇,其中影响因子10以上的3篇。
5.Pharmaceutical Fronts杂志青年编委
1. Fengyu Qin†,Bin Qin*,†, Wenhe Zhang, Yalin Liu, Xin Su, Tianhui Zhu, Jingping Ouyang, Jiyang Guo, Yuxin Li, Feiting Zhang, Jun Tang, Xian Jia, and, Song You*, Discovery of a switch between Prelog and Anti-Prelog reduction toward halogen-substituted acetophenones in short-chain dehydrogenase/reductases.ACS Catalysis2018,8(7), 6012-6020.(†共同第一作者,*通讯作者)(IF: 13.084)
2.Bin Qin†, Yudai Matsuda†, Takahiro Mori, Masahiro Okada, Zhiyang Quan, Takaaki Mitsuhashi, Toshiyuki Wakimoto, Ikuro Abe*, An unusual chimeric diterpene synthase fromEmericella variecolorand its functional conversion to a sesterterpene synthase by domain swapping.Angewandte Chemie International Edition2016,55(5),1658-1661.(†共同第一作者)(封面文章,IF: 12.336)
3. Fengyu Qin†,Bin Qin†, Takahiro Mori, Yan Wang, Lingxin Meng, Xin Zhang, Xian Jia, Ikuro Abe, Song You*, Engineering ofCandida glabrataketoreductase 1 for asymmetric reduction of α-halo ketones.ACS Catalysis2016,6(9), 6135-6140.(†共同第一作者)(IF: 13.084)
4. Hengyu Li, Wenhe Zhang, Xianyan Jiang, Huibin Wang, Qi Wang, Jiajun Wang, Xian Jia,Bin Qin*, Song You*, Development of an enzymatic process for the synthesis of the key intermediate of telotristat ethyl,Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis2020. DOI: 10.1002/adsc.202001110.(*通讯作者)(IF: 5.837)
5. Guigao Liu†, Shang Li†, Qinghua Shi, Hengyu Li, Jiyang Guo, Jingping Ouyang, Xian Jia, Lihan Zhang*, Song You*,Bin Qin*, Engineering of Saccharomyces pastorianus Old Yellow Enzyme 1 for the Synthesis of Pharmacologically Active (S)-Profen Derivatives.Molecular Catalysis2021, 507, 111568.(*通讯作者)(IF: 5.062)
6. Jiyang Guo, Rui Zhang, Jingping Ouyang, Feiting Zhang, Fengyu Qin, Guigao Liu, Wenhe Zhang, Hengyu Li, Xiaohong Ji, Xian Jia,Bin Qin*, Song You*, Stereodivergent synthesis of carveol and dihydrocarveol through ketoreductases/ene‐reductases catalysed asymmetric reduction,ChemCatChem2018,10(23), 5496-5504.(*通讯作者)(IF: 5.686)
7. Qinghua Shi, Huibin Wang, Junling Liu, Shang Li, Jiyang Guo, Hengyu Li, Xian Jia, Hua Huo, Zhendong Zheng, Song You*,Bin Qin*, Old yellow enzymes: structures and structure-guided engineering for stereocomplementary bioreduction,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology2020,104(19): 8155-8170.(IF: 4.813)
8. Yuxin Li†,Bin Qin†, Xiaoqin Li, Jun Tang, Yu Chen, Lina Zhou, Song You*, Selective oxidations of cyperenoic acid by slightly reshaping the binding pocket of cytochrome P450 BM3,ChemCatChem2018,10(3), 559-565.(†共同第一作者)(IF: 5.686)
9. Wenhe Zhang, Tianhui Zhu, Hengyu Li, Fengyu Qin, Feiting Zhang, Rui Zhang, Xian Jia,Bin Qin*, Song You*, Key sites insight on the stereoselectivity of four mined aldo-keto reductases toward α-keto esters and halogen-substituted acetophenones,Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology2019,103(15), 6119-6128.(*通讯作者)(IF:4.813)
10. Lihan Zhang, Takuya Hashimoto,Bin Qin, Junko Hashimoto, Ikuko Kozone, Teppei Kawahara, Masahiro Okada, Takayoshi Awakawa, Takuya Ito, Yoshinori Asakawa, Masashi Ueki, Shunji Takahashi, Hiroyuki Osada, Toshiyuki Wakimoto, Haruo Ikeda, Kazuo Shin-ya, Ikuro Abe*, Characterization of giant modular PKSs provides insight into genetic mechanism for structural diversification of aminopolyol polyketides.Angewandte Chemie International Edition2017,56(7), 1740-1745.(扉页文章IF: 12.257)